Around 180,000 commercial vehicles have yet to register for diesel subsidy under SKDS 2.0 – KPDN

Last week, it was reported that almost 200,000 public transport and goods vehicles of nearly 60,000 companies had been approved for the subsidised diesel control system (SKDS) programme. However, there are still around 180,000 commercial vehicles that have not yet registered, according to domestic trade and cost of living (KPDN) deputy minister Fuziah Salleh.

“Based on records, there are 389,000 vehicles in this category registered with the road transport department, but only 209,000 have registered under SKDS 2.0. So, there are approximately 180,000 vehicles that have yet to register, possibly because their owners believe they are ineligible or find the registration process challenging,” she said.

She urged owners of these vehicles to promptly submit their applications to ensure that they would benefit from the government’s diesel subsidy. “You don’t have to own up to 20 vehicles to consider yourself eligible for the diesel subsidy. Even owners with one, two or three vehicles can apply, provided they fall under the 23 specified categories,” she explained.

Around 180,000 commercial vehicles have yet to register for diesel subsidy under SKDS 2.0 – KPDN

As for public transport and commercial vehicle owners who have received SKDS approval but have not yet received a fleet card, she said that they will need to keep their diesel purchase receipts to enable cash refund claims to be made with the finance ministry.

On the matter of adding more vehicle types to the SKDS list, Fuziah said that operators of vehicles that do not fall under the 33 categories listed in SKDS 1.0 and 2.0 can submit an appeal, and the appeal committee would review their application, Bernama reports.

“If there are any issues, it would be advisable to formalise concerns in writing. We can then organise engagement sessions for in-depth discussions and to find the best solutions,” she said. Fuziah said this in response to a question posed by reporters regarding the Penang Refuse Lorries Association’s request to include rigid roll-on roll-off (RORO) lorries in the MySubsidi Diesel list.

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