Hiltzik: The federal government gets serious about gun deaths

For decades, gun control policy in the U.S. has been virtually untouchable — except through efforts to make America’s gun culture deadlier, raising the toll of innocent victims. Two recent developments suggest that the ground may finally be shifting toward rationality. One is an “advisory” from Surgeon General Vivek Murthy identifying firearm violence as a

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How high interest rates are squeezing Californians

By the numbers, the overall U.S. economy may look good, but down at the street level the view is a lot grimmer and grittier. The surge in interest rates imposed by the Federal Reserve to slow inflation has closed like an acrid cloud over would-be homeowners, car buyers, growing families, and businesses new and old,

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IATSE deal: Hollywood crew members, studios reach tentative contract

Film and TV crew members have reached a tentative contract deal with the major Hollywood studios after months of bargaining, the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers announced Tuesday night. The resolution arrived before the current contract’s expiration date, finally permitting the entertainment industry to breathe

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