California jobs picture brightens in May; unemployment drops

In a surprisingly strong economic report, California employers stepped up their hiring in May and the statewide unemployment rate dropped for the first time since the summer of 2022, the government reported Friday. Employers in the state added 43,700 jobs last month across a broad spectrum of industries, breaking from the recent pattern of lagging

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NBCUniversal’s Donna Langley on AI: ‘We’ve got to get the ethics of it right’

Artificial intelligence is “exciting,” but guardrails must be put in place to protect labor, intellectual property and ethics, NBCUniversal Studio Group Chairman Donna Langley said Friday at an entertainment industry law conference. During a wide-ranging, on-stage conversation at the UCLA Entertainment Symposium, the media chief emphasized that first, “the labor piece of it has to

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State board approves protections for hot workplaces

Relief is on the horizon for California fast-food workers operating hot kitchen appliances, logistics workers in vast inland warehouses that lack cooling equipment and others laboring in hot indoor settings as a state agency Thursday approved new workplace protections against excessive heat. A standards board at the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health voted

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With fires burning again, is California becoming uninsurable?

Thursday marks the beginning of summer, but early wildfires have already scorched the outskirts of L.A. and the Bay Area. Many California homeowners find themselves more vulnerable than ever as major insurers abandon areas threatened by climate change-fueled fires. Gov. Gavin Newsom and state Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara have responded with efforts to ease regulations

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