16 Local Search Developments You Need to Know About From Q4 2023

Claire Carlile spotted, and Andy Simpson commented on this announcement from Google: “Since 2013, Google has supported logo structured data, which recognizes two Organization fields: logo and url. Today we’re expanding our support for organizational information by extracting additional administrative data such as name, address, contact information, and various business identifiers. You can continue to

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Top 10 Takeaways From Whiteboard Fridays in 2023

With the influx of AI-generated content, it’s more important than ever to produce high-quality content that your audience and Google will love. In late 2022, Google rolled out the Helpful Content Update, an ongoing effort to reward sites with “people-first” content, and we saw the importance of this continue into 2023. Along with this update,

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On-page Video SEO – Whiteboard Friday

When we think about the video platform, I would highly recommend that you use YouTube. A lot of people ask me, “Which platform should we use when we embed videos?” And I highly recommend using YouTube. And the reason why is because Google has set a lot of the parameters and the technical specifications for

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How Will SGE Impact Your Organic Traffic?

To perform this analysis, you will need a sample of keywords to work with. Keep in mind that to fill out this template, you will need to manually examine search results for each keyword, so keep your list manageable. Whatever sample of keywords you choose, make sure you know the percentage of total organic traffic

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