Taiwan issues travel advisory after China vows to execute independence supporters

The Taiwanese government warned its citizens not to travel to mainland China on Thursday after Beijing threatened to execute residents who support the island’s independence. Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council spokesman Liang Wen-chieh issued the warning during a routine press conference. The Chinese government announced a new policy targeting “separatists” last week, and said it would

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Bolivia grapples with aftermath of failed coup attempt

Bolivia has been left reeling after troops, led by General Juan José Zúñiga, briefly seized the presidential palace in La Paz during an attempted coup. Military forces seized control of La Paz using armored vehicles and tear gas against protesters. Authorities arrested Zúñiga as his soldiers retreated from central La Paz. Calm returned to Bolivia’s

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Assange pleads guilty in federal court

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Kenyan police to arrive in Haiti this week

Kenyan police officers are departing for Haiti this week to address severe gang violence. The deployment faced delays due to legal challenges and worsened security conditions in Haiti, prompting former Prime Minister Ariel Henry’s resignation in March. The mission involves personnel from Jamaica, the Bahamas, Barbados, Chad, Bangladesh and Kenya, funded primarily by the United

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