China’s Chongqing Sokon to produce commercial EVs in Thailand – joint investment involving local firm

According to a report by Bangkok Post, Chongqing Sokon Motor has announced plans to produce commercial electric vehicles (EVs) in Thailand that will involve a joint investment with a local firm.

“We see a good business opportunity and high growth potential in the commercial EV segment in Thailand and Asean. We are confident demand for commercial EVs will increase as the Thai economy grows,” commented David Luo, sales director at Chongqing Sokon Motor.

The company is currently in talks with Thailand’s Planet EV regarding the production of fully electric commercial vehicles, including pick-up trucks and vans. The latter was recently appointment the official distributor of Sokon EVs and aims to sell 1,000 commercial EVs as well as set up 1,000 EV chargers in 2024.

“Planet EV plans to embark on businesses, including EV manufacturing and battery charging, to serve the Thai EV industry,” said Kittapart Wiriyachanta, CEO of Planet EV, who added that he expects to conclude the investment plan quickly.

Chongqing Sokon Motor’s focus on commercial EVs is to target a niche segment that it sees has potential for growth in Thailand, with Luo expecting sales to increase in this segment in the future. Kittapart pointed out that the focus is on selling commercial EVs to companies, with Luo adding that three models, including pick-up trucks, will be imported from China into Thailand initially.

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