Government urged to ‘put two fingers up to eco-zealots’ and axe fuel duty by 20p this week

Jeremy Hunt has been urged to “put two fingers up” to the establishment and deliver a massive fuel duty cut to help petrol and diesel owners in the Spring Budget.

Howard Cox, founder of FairFuelUK said the Government should “lead the way” with a 20p cut to have the lowest driving-tax economy.

He called out “brainwashed eco-zealots” for keeping fuel duty at its current rate and promised that reducing bills would contribute billions to the economy,

However, Mr Cox has stunningly predicted the Chancellor would not have the “cajónes” to pull off the move and as he challenged Mr Hunt to give his policy a run ahead of the Autumn.

In the last two weeks, Howard claims at least 80 MPs have told him that cutting fuel duty was the best way to support drivers.

Speaking to, he explained: “Every year since 2011, FairFuelUK has shown through commissioned independent economic analysis that cutting costs at the pump for drivers lowers inflation, increases consumer spending, encourages business investment, and generates more GDP growth and more growth taxes.

“Deep down those Treasury elves know motorists are a major solution to alleviating the chronic cost of living crisis. And they also vote!

“So, I want the Government to put two fingers up to the OBR and listen to motorists, white van man, black cab drivers and truckers, and go big this time, and deliver a 20 pence cut in Fuel Duty on March 6.

“Sunak is always saying we must lead the world on various political issues. So why not lead the way on having the lowest-driving tax economy?

“Of course, no Chancellor will have the cajónes to make such a sizeable reduction because of emotive ill-informed pressure from the brainwashed eco-zealots.

“But if a 20p cut in fuel duty was enacted – giving a £11 boost to consumer spending from every family car fill up, it would put billions back into the economy.

“I challenge Chancellor Jeremy Hunt to try it for six months before the Autumn General Election and measure its undoubted positive impact to the economy and at the ballot box.”

Fuel duty is expected to be one of the biggest talking points when Mr Hunt presents his Spring Budget later this week.

Duty fees were cut by 5p per litre back in May 2022 to help motorists deal with the cost of living crisis.

This discount has been pencilled in to end later in March but Mr Hunt could keep this frozen for at least another six months.

Howard believes this is the most likely outcome from Thursday despite the opportunity to reduce charges by even more.

He told “Raising this regressive tax would be political and economic suicide… I Suspect the Chancellor will keep it frozen. He does not have the tax-cutting guts to incentivise consumer spending.”

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