Mercedes-Benz EQB catches fire at dealership charger in Johor, cause of fire still under investigation

Welcome to 2024 and we’re hoping you’re having a good one so far. At least, one that’s better than the owner of this Mercedes-Benz EQB, whose car caught on fire yesterday.

According to reports, the incident happened around 245pm yesterday. The fire was successfully put out by 10 firefighters.

From photos, observed that the fire was put out while there was still significant sunlight so it must not have taken very long, which is atypical of reports of EV battery fires overseas where the fire took up to 24 hours to put out because of constant re-ignition.

Mercedes-Benz EQB catches fire at dealership charger in Johor, cause of fire still under investigation

So far we have been very lucky with EV fires in Malaysia, as all of the reported fires have been put out swiftly. The last one before this case was the Tesla Model Y fire in Puchong back in October 2023. Still no post mortem report from that case yet, and we suspect this EQB case will take a while too.

While we should not speculate, we think the relative ease of which the fire was put out in both cases means the battery was not involved. It was just like an ICE car fire, which by the way happens all the time too.

In case you’re wondering, comprehensive motor insurance does cover fire damage. It does not require special perils add-on which is needed for flood damage.

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Tags: EV fires in Malaysia

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