Six cringeworthy foot problems according to celeb podiatrists

They may not be our bodies’ most glamorous bits, but their good health is vital to our daily lives. Now a new TV show, The Bad Foot Clinic, sees top Harley Street podiatrist Dr Marion Yau and her GP husband Dr Kenny tackle some of the most shocking problems.

But how can you take the right steps to prevent and treat some of the most common conditions?

Fungal toenails

A nail infection, also known as onychomycosis, which occurs when fungi invade the nails. Often, people with fungal nail infections also suffer from fungal skin infections. Symptoms include discolouration of the nail, turning it yellow, white, or brown. It may become thick and brittle and, in severe cases, lift or detach completely. These infections can even damage the nail plate, nail bed and surrounding tissues.

Prevention: Washing your feet twice a day, wearing flip-flops in communal areas, changing your socks regularly and maintaining good foot hygiene.

Treatment: For mild infections, topical antifungal medications like Curanail can be effective. Continue application until the nail is completely clear. Podiatrists can apply stronger topical medications, oral antifungals, and use cutting-edge laser treatments.

Athlete’s Foot

A common fungal skin infection which causes itching, burning, peeling and cracking of the skin around the affected foot.

Prevention: Keep the infected area clean and dry. Breathable footwear made of materials like leather, canvas, or certain synthetics is highly recommended. Socks made of bamboo or silver fibre may help prevent infection as they possess antimicrobial properties.

Treatment: Over-the-counter topical antifungal medications are the first line of defence. However, if these treatments fail to provide relief, seeking professional advice is crucial. A podiatrist can file down the affected skin to enhance the penetration of antifungal medicine.


A build-up of dead and thick skin with a core, known as the nucleus, these often occur in high-pressure areas of the foot, such as the tops of the toes, causing considerable discomfort.

Prevention: Avoid tight-fitting shoes and use protective pads for extra cushioning. Shoes with a wide toe box are highly recommended to alleviate pressure on the toes.

Treatment: At home, reduce the top layer of dead skin using a pumice stone or foot file. This not only reduces the thick skin but also provides pain relief. Over-the-counter corn plasters containing salicylic acid are another self-treatment option. Carefully follow the instructions to avoid damaging healthy skin or developing ulcers. Podiatrists can painlessly remove corns with a scalpel.


These warts are small growths or lumps caused by the human papillomavirus. They can be flat, irregular, and may have little black dots. While some are painless and may resolve on their own, others can cause discomfort.

Prevention: Best achieved by wearing flip-flops in communal areas and hotel rooms.

Treatment: Over-the-counter treatments containing acid or cryospray. If pain persists, seek professional treatment. Podiatrists can employ various methods on verrucas, including laser therapy, microwave treatment, dry needling and surgical removal. But no treatment guarantees success.


Lumps caused by the inward pull of the first metatarsal and the extension of the hallux (big toe) towards the second toe, causing swelling and pain at the base of the big toe.

Prevention: Wearing shoes with a wide toe box to prevent irritation and discomfort can help.

Treatment: Orthotics, anti-inflammatory medications, and physical therapy. In more severe cases, surgery may be required to alleviate the pain and correct the deformity.


A painful condition that typically affects the big toe joint and sometimes other foot joints, causing intense sudden pain, redness and swelling. It often occurs at night and is caused by elevated levels of uric acid in the blood.

Prevention: Maintain a healthy balanced diet, reduce weight and limit alcohol consumption. Staying hydrated is crucial in managing the condition. Hydration with plain water and the avoidance of sugary drinks and alcohol are simple yet effective ways to help manage gout

Treatment: Relieving pain and inflammation through medications like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids or colchicine. Lifestyle changes and medications to reduce uric acid may be required to prevent future episodes.

The Bad Foot Clinic is on Really on Wednesdays at 9pm, and available to stream on Discovery+

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